
Cover Reveal!

At last, I can finally share the cover for The Wolf King!

I absolutely adore this cover. It captures the tone of the story perfectly, includes elements related to both main characters, and even has a tiny hint of the plot twist, though there’s no way to guess what that is until you’ve read the book.

Working with Bianca at Moonpress was a dream - easy, fast, and professional. I was worried before we started that it would be difficult to find something I liked and that would carry over well to the rest of the series, but from the moment I saw the initial draft, I knew that was the one.

So, now I just need to focus on finishing the edits and getting The Wolf King ready to share with the world. Details of the release should be on their way soon, but until then, happy reading.

Picture of The WOlf King cover

Pictures of Maddie and Luc

Character Artwork

I love the main characters in The Wolf King. Maddie is determined to live up to her responsibilities, and Luc has a single-minded approach to his objectives. Both are derailed when they cross paths, and the chaos that unfolds was so much fun to write.

I had a clear idea what each of them looked like before I started (for once), and the artwork I commissioned is almost exactly what I pictured in my mind. Anastasia did a great job on them, and I can’t wait to introduce their story to the world.

Watch this space for info on the cover reveal and release.

Join my Street Team

Street teams are vital for authors, especially indie authors. They help us spread the word about our stories, get excited about our upcoming releases, and keep us going when times are hard.

If you like the sound of The Wolf King and want to join me ‘behind the scenes’ while I prepare for the launch, now is your chance. My street team is open for sign-ups!

What’s in it for you? Early access to all the cool things - artwork, cover, map, book news, etc.

What do you have to do? I’ll send monthly emails with two simple tasks in each - post, share, tag, etc.

Want to join but don’t have a lot of time or energy? Join the street team ‘lite’. It has many of the same benefits but fewer emails and tasks.

Find out more or sign up here.

Guess who finished drafting her next book? picture

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Until The Stars Fall Cover Picture

Author Spotlight

I first met Vanessa Rasanen online about five years ago, but it took until last October for us to finally meet in person. I’m so glad I went to the Writer’s Sanctuary retreat, because hanging out together was so much fun. She’s a great friend and an incredible author, and she’s just released her latest fantasy romance book.

Until The Stars Fall

The last time a fae royal took a human bride it started a war.
This time it could prevent one.

Find the book here.
Find Vanessa on Instagram.